Big Green Egg barbecue: Christmas Turkey
Let's talk turkey
Do you yearn to spice up the main event at Christmas, but the family insists on having the same old turkey every year? Well, you're in luck.
Roll up your sleeves and roll out the barbecue – we're cooking this bird al fresco.
Under the guidance of an expert chef, you'll learn to master the smouldering coals and prepare your turkey with maximum moisture retention and flavour that will blow your family away.
Prepare to make the most aromatic, crispy-skinned, soft-fleshed turkey of your life. And you'll have the skills to awe crowds with your signature dish for many Christmases to come. Heck, why wait for Christmas? Use your new skills all year round to create masterful barbecue dishes.
Don't worry if barbecues aren't usually your domain. Our expert team will guide you every step of the way.