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We need a Big Re-Think

We need a Big Re-Think, in the workplace and at meetings and events.

After our last Flock event, we carried out research with the network and with our clients to gather insights into the next generation of workers, delegates, and event attendees. 

The Big Re-Think set out to understand the motivations and expectations of Generation Alpha (those born in 2010 onwards) who will reach the workplace in 5 years’ time. With attention spans waning and gamification a growing element of daily life, the survey sought to understand how learning and development will evolve, the implications of tech advancements on face-to-face interaction, as well as the considerations event organisers need to make due to a growing generational spread amongst delegates.

The Big Re-Think is ratified by Chloe Combi an authority on Generation Alpha and a regular media commentator on the emergent Gen A worker.

Some of our learnings point to:


There are already very different life experiences, soft skills, and perspectives between a 24-year-old and a 50-year-old delegate. And with Generation Alpha on the horizon, understanding the generational diversity of delegates can enable companies to achieve heightened productivity, creativity, and more cohesive teams.  


With the voice of the delegate more and more prevalent at events; one-way learning is waning in favour of conversation and experience-based practices that shape understanding and deepen knowledge. Learning in the future will be achieved through conversation, collaboration and scenario-based situations which means the setting needs to be correct. The research indicates breaking down physical barriers (cabaret, theatre style, boardroom set ups) to promote community and to align with Gen Z and A’s social nature which responds better to dynamic, inclusive experiences.


Just as workplace design has evolved to provide agile lifestyle environments so too must events. Additionally, planning around cortisol highs and circadian rhythms can have a distinct impact on events and maximising the delegate experience. Notably, organisers need to pay heed to the fact that younger employees, 16-21 ‘adolescents’, have a different circadian rhythm to their ‘adult’ peers.


Misinformation, bias, algorithms, deepfake and polarisation of thought are driving the need for events. In-person experiences allow for a more nuanced understanding and empathy towards different perspectives, reducing the likelihood of misinterpretation and the potential threat of misinformation currently found on digital platforms.


For Gen-A respondents, immersive learning and gammication are at the fore as non-negotiables followed by learning by app. And as attention spans decrease, quick content consumption and micro-learning will re-inform the conference and events agenda.


When Generation Alpha arrives as a delegate what they lack in interaction, emotion, and intuition they will make up for in devouring knowledge, having an opinion, and upholding their personal values and beliefs. Having an opinion won’t be an issue; getting the room talking will however be harder to stimulate.

The survey’s respondents are recognised as leading corporates and event agencies across banking and finance, professional services, tech, and pharmaceutical industries and draw on an annual buying power for business events in excess of £150m.