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Health, wellbeing and aesthetics

The Spa is also home to some fantastic health, wellness and aesthetic experts.

So Osteopathy and SAM Clinic bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the spa,

Clinics are held with us weekly and are open to all to book. Visit their individual websites to find out more and book a consultation.

So Osteopathy

Offering medicinal treatments to our already extensive menu, we are pleased to welcome a team of experienced practitioners from So Osteopathy to the spa.

So Osteopathy's aim is to provide bespoke effective treatment to suit your needs along with education in self-management to help you maintain or achieve your health goals.

Osteopathy is a system of assessing, diagnosing, treating and preventing a wide range of health problems. Osteopaths are regulated health professionals, who have completed a minimum of a 4 year degree. The study focuses on anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology , general medical screening and osteopathic techniques.

So Osteopathy focus on a number of specialties for both adults, and children and teens from the ages of 5 to 17 years old, including cranial, visceral and structural techniques, antenatal and postnatal.

Visit So Osteopathy to find out more and book a consultation.


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Sports Massage

Sports massage is a deep form of soft tissue mobilisation. A sports massage can be applied in a sporting and non-sporting context. Sports massage involves a wide range of techniques to help regain mobility.


Call The Spa to book: 01403 892235

SAM Clinic

Spencer Aesthetics and Medical offers a unique service: GP led menopausal care and to address a multitude of skin concerns that can be associated with this period. Dr Spencer can advise on getting the best and healthiest version of you, and is committed to helping you achieve body confidence and positivity. Dr Sarah Spencer is a fully qualified and insured GP based in Sussex, UK. 

Going through the menopause can be a very diverse phase, with personal experience varying greatly, and for some people it can be life altering for all the wrong reasons. At the SAM Clinic we want to address the huge spectrum of possible symptoms and validate your own experience of the menopause. You are more than just your hormones, and you don’t have to be held back by them.

Many people aren’t happy with their looks, but are too anxious about trying facial injectables for fear of looking ‘fake’ or ‘done’. However, our mantra is that ‘the best injectable is undetectable’. We offer

  • Anti-wrinkle treatments (Botulinum toxin and dermal fillers)
  • Medical grade skin care including chemical skin peels

Visit the SAM Clinic to find out more and book a consultation.


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